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Charlotte Personal Injury Lawyer

Midland, North Carolina

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Midland North Carolina

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The town of Midland is located in the Charlotte region of North Carolina, within the southern part of Cabarrus County. It is located about a thirty minute drive to the heart of uptown Charlotte. The town's name is derived from its location on the railroad line. Midland residents are not far from their jobs. The locals are friendly, and the population is diverse. Listed below are some reasons to consider moving to Midland. To learn more, read our guide.

The population of Midland, NC is approximately 1,434 people. There are 554 households in the city. The average temperature in this area is 68 degrees Fahrenheit and the city receives approximately 4.53 inches of precipitation per year. Those who live in Midland are primarily homeowners (82%), with post secondary education being the most common type of education for residents. While the median income in Midland, NC is slightly lower than the national average, it is still higher than the average. Click here for more information.

The median income in Midland, NC is $41,890, or $122,267 per year. The area's residents are more likely to own cars than the national median, with approximately 64% owning a vehicle. In fact, almost a third of Americans are not married, according to the census. And, in Midland, NC, nearly 7.8% of the population is a veteran. That's nearly the same as the national average, but the numbers are different for each group.

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